Landing Pages Overview

Demo Layouts:


Each Divi Landing Page is positioned within a category and designed to facilitate a single desired action as outlined below.

Email Signup Templates  → Submit an email address via a form submission in exchange for something. This could be an ebook, brochure, report, white paper, coupon, newsletters and more.
Lead Generation Templates   Submit an email address and more information via a detailed form submission in exchange for a brochure, a phone call, to book an appointment, request more information (especially for service businesses) and more. 
Sales Page Templates  → Purchase something, a product, software as a service (SaaS), an ebook, an online course, premium newsletter subscriptions, tickets, services and more.

Each Landing Page layout includes versatile and responsive Sections that fulfils a specific task, be that establishing credibility via testimonials to outlining the pain and highlighting the benefits. As a user scans down the page, specific call-to-actions (CTA) Sections prompt the user to perform the desired action.

That’s what makes Landing Pages convert so well – there’s one goal and one consistent CTA.

We’ll be exploring Landing Page concepts and more in our upcoming Landing Page Series so for now here’s a brief introduction as to why we’ve included sections that outline the pain or problem your product, business or service solves.

Focussing on the pain

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make with landing pages is not outlining or agitating the pain, frustration or problems their potential customers might be experiencing.

Sometimes customers aren’t even fully aware of this pain so it’s the landing pages job to draw attention to it, define it and outline how current solutions fall short of solving it.

In his book “Building a StoryBrand”, Donal Miller writes: “When a customer realizes they have a lot in common with a brand, they fill in all the unknown nuances with trust.”

Empathising with the visitor’s pain through the use of emotional language helps to build this rapport with visitors and gain their trust.

Once you’ve agitated the pain, you can now present your product, service or business as the solution to helping them succeed by removing the pain or frustration they’ve been experiencing.

This a powerfully persuasive technique and increases the chances of them converting.

We’ll dive into practical examples of types of pain, with examples, in our upcoming Landing Page series.

Helper copy/text to guide you along the way

Each Landing Page Layout includes “helper” text/copy for all the headlines, sub headings, bullet points and descriptions within each section.

This helper text is designed to get you thinking about conversion optimised copy and prompts you to think about writing copy that your visitors will understand and benefit from.

This takes the guesswork out of wondering what you should write in the first place but you’ll still need to do work of applying it to your own use cases!

Fast, Flexible and Mobile Optimised

These landing pages have been designed with speed in mind. You won’t find any fancy animations or unnecessary elements.  

The focus is on guiding the user through a journey and then providing them with an easy path to perform an action. This makes for an optimal landing page user experience. 

You can also mix and match Sections or remove Sections entirely to suit your needs. For example, you might decide that the Testimonial Section is displayed too early on the page and you’d rather describe the Features or How it Works Sections before establishing credibility through Testimonials.

You can even substitute sections for other DiviWP Sections and import Pricing Sections, Blurb Sections or Interactive Sections to compliment your customised Landing Page layout.

Just remember – keep the focus to one single CTA and try to avoid information, content or links that will compete with the users attention and the journey you are taking through as they scan down your page.

Editing the demo content

Each DiviWP Landing Page Layout can be edited using the Visual Builder. 

You can make your changes to various module settings, upload new images, change colors, toggle between the desktop, tablet and mobile views and publish your page to achieve the look in the demo.

In some sections outlined in each individual Landing Page's documentation, Custom CSS is necessary to achieve a desired affect or an optimal responsive user experience and where the Divi Builder was unable to do it with its Module settings alone. 

Related documentation:

Support is always on hand

You can rest assured that support is always on-hand and we'll be able to guide you as far as possible should you require assistance with any custom CSS we have included in our layouts, templates or sections.