Landing Page Layout 9

Layout Demo URL:

Please review the Importing Layouts documentation to import this layout into your website.


This layout is positioned within the Email Signup Templates category and has been designed to facilitate a single desired action.

Desired Action → Submit an email address via a form submission in exchange for something. This could be an ebook, brochure, report, white paper, coupon, newsletters and more. 

This layouts includes 13 versatile and responsive Sections that fulfils a specific task, be that establishing credibility via testimonials to outlining the pain and highlighting the benefits. As a user scans down the page, specific call-to-actions (CTA) Sections prompt the user to perform the desired action.

Editing the demo content

Each DiviWP Layout can be edited using the Visual Builder. 

You can make your changes to various module settings, upload new images, change colors, toggle between the desktop, tablet and mobile views and publish your page to achieve the look in the demo.

In some sections outlined below, Custom CSS is necessary to achieve a desired affect or an optimal responsive user experience and where the Divi Builder was unable to do it with its Module settings alone. 

Why Custom CSS is used in Sections

Divi is an incredible builder and you can certainly do a ton of things with its built-in settings. 

We're sure we'll see the introduction of even more new settings in time, but for now, we believe it does not (yet) have the ability to configure  the necessary settings to create a particular interface design or effects. 

So by including Custom CSS in a seperate Code Module or labeled within the Row, Column or Module, you can learn how we've used various CSS properties to achieve a desired effect. 

How to view Custom CSS

When you are editing in the Visual Mode and building on the front-end of your website, Custom CSS Code Modules or Custom CSS configured within a Row, Column or Module is not visible.

Accessing the Layer View or Wireframe mode gives you access to your page and section structure, displaying all elements in an organized, nested hierarchy list that clearly showcases your page structure. Learn more about Layer View and Wireframe mode.

Custom CSS in use in this Layout (scroll down for in-depth documentation)

  • Hero Section
    • CSS Code Module
  • Newsletter Section
    • CSS Code Module
  • Card Section
    • CSS Code Module

Related documentation:

Support is always on hand

You can rest assured that support is always on-hand and we'll be able to guide you as far as possible should you require assistance with any custom CSS we have included in our layouts, templates or sections. 

Hero Section

Accessing the Layer View or Wireframe mode gives you access to your page and section structure, displaying all elements in an organized, nested hierarchy list that clearly showcases your page structure. Learn more about Layer View and Wireframe mode.

Let's look at the above section via the Layer View below.

Firstly, notice how the  Contact Form has the the following label: Contact Form .diviwp-contact-form-gray-input

This means the Contact Form Module has a custom class called diviwp-col-flex which is set via the Module Settings → Advanced → CSS ID and Classes.

Now that we've established the class name for the Contact Form Module, we can review the Code Module:  Custom CSS Code for Contact Form .diviwp-contact-orm-gray-input

This means the Custom Code module has CSS properties which are targeting the Contact Form class diviwp-contact-form-gray-input.

This CSS enables the Contact Form Module to format beautifully across various responsive breakpoints.

Newsletter Section

 Let's look at the above section via the Layer View below.

This CSS enables the Optin module to format beautifully across various responsive breakpoints.

Card Section

Let's look at the above section via the Layer View below.

The Image module has the following label: Image .diviwp-image-16-9 

This means the Image module has a custom class of diviwp-image-16-9 set via Image Module Settings → Advanced → CSS ID and Classes. The Code Module:  "CSS Code for .diviwp-image-16-9 to crop image module aspect ratio to 16:9" has CSS properties which are targeting the class diviwp-image-16-9 set for the Image Module as outlined above, as well as a brief description of what this does. 

The code includes properties to maintain the image's proportional height by cropping it to a perspective that maintains an aspect ratio of 16:9:

This allows any image to be uploaded and dynamically resized correctly to the fill the correct height proportionately. 
  • This does not produce a new image file, it merely uses an aspect-ratio friendly CSS trick for tablet and mobile breakpoints. 
  • The code does not degrade the image in anyway and the original quality is maintained. 
  • This may result in some cropping of your image if you upload square images as per the live demo

This is why Custom CSS is only used in places where it is necessary to achieve a desired affect or an optimal responsive user experience and where the Divi Builder was unable to do it alone. 

Note: You can review more DiviWP Card Sections should you want to substitute this version for another. 

Can I move the CSS in the Custom CSS Code Module into Divi's Theme Options or my own Child Theme

Of course! 

All you'd need to do is copy the contents of the custom css code module and paste them into one of the options:

  • Divi's Theme Options: Admin Dashboard → Divi → Theme Options (scroll down to Custom CSS box)
  • Your Child Theme: via editing your styles.css file

Just remember to delete the opening and closing <style> tags or <script> tags if you're moving any custom javascript. 

Support is always on hand

You can rest assured that support is always on-hand and we'll be able to guide you as far as possible should you require assistance with any custom CSS we have included in our layouts, templates or sections.