The dropdown menu on desktop is right-aligned, here's how to fix it
With Divi v4.10.7, the Elegant Themes team fixed a bug with the menu module text-alignment.
You can review the publicly accessible changelog to keep up to date with Divi core releases.
The result of the update will display DiviWP Header drop-down menu items right-aligned as per this screenshot:
The fix for this is very quick and super easy!
All you need to do is go to Menu Module Settings → Design → Menu Text → Scroll down to "Text Alignment" and make suer left-aligned is selected:
And that's it!
If you purchased the Header Pack from the Divi Marketplace, the next version (1.2) has this setting set to default and is awaiting approval on the marketplace.
DiviWP customers can download the updated library zip file from their account or via the Headers page on the website.